How to Get an 850 Credit Score [Infographic]

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How to Get an 850 Credit Score [Infographic]

How to Get an 850 Credit Score | Tradeline Supply Company, LLC

People who are serious about improving their credit often wonder what it takes to get the highest possible credit score. For the FICO 8 credit scoring model, the perfect credit score is 850.

According to Experian, as of the third quarter of 2021, 1.31% of FICO scores were the perfect 850 credit score.

There are many other credit scoring models that are used for different purposes and may have different credit scoring ranges. However, since FICO 8 is the most commonly used credit score, we will use the number 850 as the benchmark for the ideal credit score in this article.

Check out the infographic below for some fast facts on how to get the highest credit score possible, then keep reading the article for even more tips on getting an 850 credit score.

How to Get an 850 Credit Score - Infographic

Payment History — 35%

Your payment history is the biggest slice of the credit score pie, so even one late payment or missed payment can significantly affect your score. Negative items can stay on your credit report for up to seven years, so if you miss a payment, you may not be able to achieve a perfect 850 credit score until at least seven years have passed!

FICO says that 96% of “high achievers,” or those with FICO scores above 785, have no missed payments on their credit report. Experian’s data also show that 850 scorers have never been delinquent on a tradeline, while average scorers are likely to have around two tradelines delinquent in the past.

Most people who have an 850 credit score have seven years of on-time payment history with no lates.

Most people who have an 850 credit score have at least seven years of perfect payment history.

Essentially, to get an 850 credit score, you just need to follow one simple strategy: make all of your payments on time for a long time. We will further discuss the connection between payment history and time in the “Length of Credit History” section below.

To safeguard against the possibility of forgetting to make a payment, consider setting up automatic bill payments for all of your accounts. Be sure to check your accounts regularly in case of any system errors.

If you do miss a deadline once in a blue moon but have otherwise been an upstanding customer, it’s worth trying to negotiate with your creditor to see if they will forgive the late payment and wipe it from your record.

Keep in mind that a payment must be at least 30 days late in order to be reported to the credit bureaus. As long as you can catch up before 30 days pass, you may still have to pay a late fee to your creditor, but at least the late payment will not show up on your credit report.

Credit Utilization/How Much You Owe — 30%

The amount of debt you owe compared to your total credit limit is your credit utilization ratio. To get a perfect credit score, you’ll want to keep this ratio as low as possible, both overall and on each of your individual tradelines.

The average credit utilization ratio of consumers who have an 850 FICO score is about 4%.

The average credit utilization ratio of consumers who have an 850 FICO score is about 4%.

A study by VantageScore and MagnifyMoney found that people with the best credit scores and people with the worst credit scores actually had similar amounts of outstanding debt. However, those with the best scores had an average total credit limit of $46,700—16 times the credit limit of those with the worst scores!

Therefore, for the high scorers, their outstanding debt made up a much smaller percentage of their total available credit than those with low credit limits and poor scores, which highlights the importance of the overall utilization ratio.

This study reported that the average credit card user has an overall utilization ratio of 20%, which is generally considered to be a safe number for maintaining decent credit. To become someone who has an 850 credit score, however, you’ll need to keep it around 5% or lower. As of 2019, FICO says that the average revolving utilization for those with the “850 profile” is 4.1%.

In addition, keep in mind that even if you have a low overall utilization ratio, individual cards with high utilization could still bring down your score. You can read more about this in our article on individual vs. overall credit utilization ratios.

As a hypothetical example, let’s say you have two cards: one with a $10,000 limit and a $0 balance and the other with a $1,000 limit and a $900 balance. Your total available credit is $10,000 + $1,000 = $11,000 and your total debt is $900. Therefore, your overall utilization ratio is $900 / $11,000 = 8% utilization, which is a very good number.

However, your account with the $1,000 limit has a 90% individual utilization ratio! Since you only have two accounts, that means 50% of your accounts have high utilization, and that could negatively affect your credit. According to, maxing out just one credit card can reduce your score by as many as 45 points.

While consumers with 850 credit scores do use credit cards, they tend to keep their utilization ratios around 5% or lower.

While consumers with 850 credit scores do use credit cards and have debt, they tend to keep their utilization ratios in the single digits. Photo by author.

To get around this problem, if you have any individual cards with high utilization, consider transferring the balance to other accounts with more available credit to keep the utilization ratio on each account as low as possible.

You could also request credit line increases from your creditors, which can lower your utilization ratios and benefit your credit score. Try using the tips we provide in “How to Increase Your Credit Limit.”

Optimizing this factor also means not closing accounts even if you don’t use them very often, because their credit limits could be helping your score. To ensure old accounts don’t get automatically closed by the banks for inactivity, try to use them every 1-2 months, perhaps for small, recurring bills.

Length of Credit History (Age) — 15%

This category takes into account age-related factors such as the average age of your accounts, the age of your oldest account, and the ratio of seasoned to non-seasoned tradelines. (A seasoned tradeline is an account that is at least two years old, which is when the account is believed to have a more positive impact on your credit.)

The more age your accounts have, the more they will help your credit score.

Age goes hand-in-hand with payment history, because the more age an account has, the more time it has had to build up a positive or negative payment history. Together, age (15%) and payment history (35%) make up 50% of your credit score, which shows how important it is to open accounts early and make every single payment on time.

This is also why we always say that focusing on age is the #1 secret to unlocking the power of tradelines.

According to FICO, the age of the oldest account of people who have 650 credit scores is only 12 years, compared to 25 years for people who have credit scores above 800. In addition, individuals with fair credit have an average age of accounts of 7 years, compared to 11 years for those with excellent credit.

Cultivating an 850 credit score takes years of maintaining a positive credit history.

Cultivating an 850 credit score takes years of maintaining a positive credit history.

FICO reports that the average age of the oldest account of consumers who have 850 credit scores is 30 years.

We have an in-depth discussion of which age tiers are most significant in our article, “Why Age Is the Most Valuable Factor of a Tradeline,” but the bottom line is simply to focus on building your credit age as much as possible. Don’t forget that your credit age includes multiple factors, such as the age of your oldest account and your average age of accounts.

Also, keep in mind that it may be impossible to achieve an 850 credit score without a certain amount of age, even if you do everything else perfectly. So if you have stellar credit habits but haven’t yet been able to join the 850 credit club, you may just need to wait patiently for your accounts to age.

Credit Mix — 10%

While the mix of credit is one of the least important factors in a credit score, to get a perfect credit score of 850, you will still need to consider this factor.

In this category, credit scores reward having a balanced mix of several different accounts, including both revolving credit and installment loans. This is because creditors want to see that you can successfully manage a variety of different types of credit.

As an example, a credit file that includes an auto loan, a mortgage, and two credit cards has a better credit mix than a credit file that has four accounts that are all credit cards.

About the “credit mix” credit score factor, FICO says, “Having credit cards and installment loans with a good credit history will raise your FICO Scores. People with no credit cards tend to be viewed as a higher risk than people who have managed credit cards responsibly.”

The total number of accounts is also considered, with more accounts generally being better, up to a certain point.

FICO also states that high score achievers have an average of seven credit card accounts in their credit files, whether open or closed.

Auto loans are common among people who have 850 credit scores.

Auto loans are common among people who have 850 credit scores.

If you are looking to improve your credit mix statistics, consider ways to increase the total number of accounts and the variety of account types in your credit file.

850 scorers also have installment loans in their credit files. According to Experian, the average mortgage debt for consumers with exceptional credit scores (800 or above) is $208,617. In addition, people who have FICO scores of 850 have an average auto-loan debt of $17,030.

Experian says, “In every other debt category except mortgage and personal loan, people with perfect scores had more open tradelines but less debt than their counterparts with average scores—underscoring the value of being able to manage debt while having numerous credit accounts.”

For a more detailed breakdown of the credit mix factor of your credit score, see our article, “Credit Mix: Do You Need to Care About Types of Credit?

New Credit — 10%

The “new credit” category of your credit score refers to how frequently you shop for new credit. This includes opening up new credit cards and applying for loans, for example. This “new credit” activity is reflected in the number of inquiries on your credit report.

Since seeking new credit makes you look like a higher risk to creditors, each hard inquiry has the potential to drop your score by a few points. Therefore, if you are going for a perfect 850, it’s best to avoid applying for new credit for a while.

However, it is possible to score an 850 with hard inquiries on your record. FICO recently stated that around 10% of 850 scorers had one or more inquiries within the past year, and about 25% had opened at least one new credit account within the past year.

If you need to shop for an auto loan or a mortgage, be sure to complete all your applications within a two-week window in order for all of the credit pulls to count as one inquiry. For credit cards, however, each inquiry will typically be counted individually.

Fortunately, inquiries only remain on your credit report for two years, and FICO scores only consider inquiries that occurred within the past year, so it shouldn’t take long for your credit to recover if you do have new inquiries on your credit report.

Inquiries aren’t the only thing that matters when it comes to the new credit factor of your credit score, however. It also includes data points such as the number of new accounts you have, the ratio of new accounts vs. seasoned accounts, and the amount of time that has passed since opening new accounts.

The main idea, if you want to maximize your credit score, is to not open too many new accounts at once, which can make you look riskier to lenders and bring down your score.

More Tips on How to Get an 850 Credit Score

In addition to optimizing each of the above five categories that factor into your credit score, it is also important to regularly check for errors on your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information both with the credit bureaus as well as with the lenders who furnish the data to the bureaus.

In addition, those with very high credit scores rarely have serious delinquencies or public records on their credit reports, such as bankruptcies or liens. Obviously, this will be easy to avoid if you follow all of the suggestions above, but if you have a history of bad credit in your past, it could take up to 7-10 years to recover enough to get an 850 credit score.

Video: Here’s Exactly What You Need to Get a Perfect 850 Credit Score

In the Credit Countdown video below, credit expert John Ulzheimer explains exactly what it takes to get that 850 credit score. Like the video? Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more!

16:9 Image

850 Credit Score Benefits

What are the benefits of being in the 850 credit club? In reality, you’ll be able to take advantage of the benefits of having an excellent credit score whether you have a 760 credit score or an 850 credit score. You don’t need to score a perfect 850 to get the best credit cards or the best interest rates on loans.

Essentially, the main benefit of having the best possible credit score is bragging rights!

Final Thoughts on How to Get the Perfect Credit Score

While it’s probably not necessary to get an 850 credit score, it is smart to work toward the goal of having excellent credit by managing your credit wisely, which will eventually get you into the upper levels of high credit score achievers.

The most important factors of your credit score are payment history, utilization, and age. Therefore, to keep your credit in pristine condition, you’ll need to make all of your payments on time, keep your utilization as low as possible, and maximize your credit age. Beyond that, you’ll also want to maintain a balanced mix of accounts and minimize new credit inquiries.

How to Get an 850 Credit Score Pinterest graphic

Finally, take advantage of your three annual free credit reports to make sure your credit reports are free of damaging errors.

To summarize, here’s an example of what the credit profile of someone who has an 850 credit score might look like, as we illustrated in the infographic above:

  • No missed payments or delinquencies within the past seven years
  • A high total credit limit
  • The overall utilization ratio is 5% or lower
  • Individual credit cards each have low utilization, around 5% or lower
  • The oldest account is likely about 25-30 years old
  • The average age of accounts is at least 11 years
  • Typically has at least seven credit card accounts (whether open or closed)
  • Usually has an auto loan and/or a mortgage loan
  • May have additional installment loans
  • Minimal inquiries within the past year
  • No damaging errors on their credit report

Have you ever achieved the perfect 850 credit score? Is it a goal that you are currently working toward? Share your thoughts with us by leaving a comment below!

Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson
Ellen Johnson is Content Director & Writer at Tradeline Supply Company, LLC. She has been with the company since 2018. Ellen creates engaging, informative content to help you understand complex topics in credit and personal finance. She aims to empower you to make smart financial choices while also highlighting structural inequalities in our financial systems.


  1. Patrick Boyd says:

    Do you do CPN?

  2. Carl Council says:

    I am very interested

  3. Kirin says:

    Awesome content! Is applying for new credit cards a part of “new credit”? Is it bad to apply too often?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      Thank you. Applying for new credit cards would be considered new credit and it can be harmful to apply too often.

  4. Himii says:

    Great article

  5. bennie evans says:

    My score is 568 and I want a 750 what can I do the get my score up within 30 days

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      That’s an impossible question to answer, but keep reading our blog articles and you will be on the right track.

  6. Nerme Jean Baptiste says:

    How many trade lines can I add to my credit profile to get to an 850 credit score and can I still apply for credit cards

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      You are going to need more than just authorized user tradelines to reach an 850 credit score. 10% of your score comes from credit mix, so you will need auto, mortgage, personal loans, etc., to reach a perfect score. Yes, you can still apply for credit cards when you are an authorized user.

  7. William says:

    If I had a 0 score and I add on 2 tradelines how much will my score jump to

  8. How often for applying new credit cards can be harmful? Whats the maximum limit for opening a new one, say in a year or so?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      It’s going to vary depending on the bank. For instance Chase has what’s known as the 5/24 rule, which means they won’t approve you if you’ve opened 5 new accounts in the past 24 months with ANY bank. We would recommend contacting the banks you are interested in building a relationship with directly to find out their requirements.

  9. Princess paul says:

    If I purchase a trade line, how long will it report for?

  10. max credit says:

    Where did you get these research?. really, good!

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      Thank you for your comment! Most of the information is from FICO and all sources are linked in the article.

  11. Greta Cox says:

    What trade lines do you recommend to purchase? I’m a single mom with no family to ask for AU status.

  12. Rahul Sen says:

    Why my credit score is showing 0 even though I have invested in many stocks n all.

  13. How to Make Friends says:

    How often for applying new credit cards can be harmful? What’s the maximum limit for opening a new one, say in a year or so?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      There’s no hard-and-fast rule, but credit card issuers each have their own approval criteria with respect to how many new accounts you have opened recently.

  14. UpTowish says:

    Great infographic! This will help me get an 850 credit score!

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