How Long Do Tradelines Stay on Your Credit Report?

We guarantee that you will be an active authorized user for two reporting cycles, which is approximately two months. During this time, the tradeline will be reported as an open account.

After the two months of being an active authorized user is complete, the authorized user will then be removed from that account and the tradeline will then appear as a closed account, but it will usually remain on your credit report as part of your permanent credit history. Many banks will continue to report this closed account for as long as 7-10 years, but it may fall off the report sooner depending on the bank.

Tradeline Extensions

If you need a tradeline to stay on your credit report for longer than two reporting cycles, you can purchase extensions to stay on the tradeline for as many reporting cycles as you need.

You can purchase unlimited extensions in increments of one cycle with each cycle being half the cost of the original tradeline purchase price.

See Do You Have Tradelines That Will Stay on My Credit for Longer Than 2 Months? for more information on extensions, or simply log into your account and choose the extension option for the tradeline you wish to extend.

Extensions may be purchased up to six weeks after the tradeline’s original purchase date.


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