Making smart money choices can propel you toward the future you desire. Luckily, it’s easy to take action to improve your financial situation this year.
When you are paying for purchases, is it better to use a debit card or a credit card? The answer depends on which features and advantages are important to you.
"Buy now, pay later" services can be convenient for those on a tight budget. But how do these BNPL services affect your credit? Let’s take a look at how this popular payment option could impact your credit scores.
Myths about credit are extremely common, even among people who purport to repair credit. In this post, we’re going to focus on the top three credit myths that just won’t seem to go away, according to credit expert John Ulzheimer.
Even if you feel you are at a total loss for any positive money habits, you can still gain new habits to transform your wealth. in this article, we’re going to cover four advanced skills to help you bring your money skills to the next level.
If you can’t seem to keep hold of your money, we recommend you look at these four essential money cognitive capacities and see where you can improve. We'll help you reframe the narratives you have around money and help hone in on a better approach to your finances.
Most ratings and buyers' guides of credit repair companies are nothing more than paid advertisements—but not here! This is the insider's guide to the good, the bad, and the ugly credit repair companies. Our guide is dedicated to helping you find the best credit repair company for your situation.
It’s never a good feeling when you notice that your credit score has dropped. Let’s explore some of the possible reasons that could cause your credit score to decline.
An unpredictable income can make managing your finances a bit more complicated. But with a little bit of planning, you can map out a strategy to protect your finances and credit score from the swings of an irregular income.
If you are considering a home purchase, you are likely looking at taking out a mortgage. For many, purchasing a home is the biggest financial commitment you’ll ever make.
It can be a financial challenge to become a homeowner. But once you make your homeownership dreams a reality, there are plenty of benefits to enjoy. One of those financial benefits is the ability to build home equity with each mortgage payment.
A thin credit file can be problematic. Although your finances may be in good shape, a thin credit file can make it challenging to access financing for major purchases when you need it.
A line of credit is a flexible funding solution that allows you to tap into funds on an as-needed basis. Depending on your situation, a line of credit can offer much-needed access to cash.
When you have high-interest credit card debt holding you back, it can be a drain on your personal finances. The good news is that debt consolidation or credit card refinancing may offer a path to freedom from your credit card debt.
If you are renting a place to call home, your use of the property is protected through renters’ rights (also known as tenants’ rights). Whether you are living in a rental or renting out a property to a tenant, understanding the ins and outs of renters’ rights can make your life easier.
It’s no secret that college is expensive, and the costs seem to continue rising without an end in sight. The increasing cost of college has far outpaced inflation.
Credit card mistakes can eat away at your budget and your credit score. Let’s explore the most common credit card errors and what you can do to avoid them.
What if you connected to your emotions surrounding money and that helped you actually master your finances? This guide will help you feel confident in tackling your money from a new perspective and build your wealth so that you can live a fuller, happier life.
When you file for bankruptcy, it’s usually because you have no other option for your finances. Although it might be the right choice for your situation, the decision to file for bankruptcy will have a negative impact on your credit.
I’m going to let you in on a secret. Most people aren’t bad at handling their money. Most people are bad at handling their emotions about money. When you can hone in on your emotions, your finances fall into line.
Identity theft is no laughing matter. When your identity is stolen, it can affect your entire financial life, from your credit to your ability to apply for loans. You want to make sure that you’re protected from identity theft.
It’s no secret that keeping a roof over your head can get expensive quickly. On average, households spend over a quarter of their household income on housing costs each year, and housing costs are on the rise.
The “date of last activity,” also known as the DLA, is often discussed within the field of credit repair in a way that is inaccurate or misleading. Because of this, many consumers do not understand the DLA as it relates to their credit reports and credit scores.
Personal loans have grown in popularity over the years. As more Americans take out personal loans, many households are adding another monthly payment to their budgets.
While credit mix only makes up 10% of your FICO score, it’s still important to consider when building credit. Check out our infographic about mix of credit and types of credit.
Derogatory items can stay on your credit report and damage your credit scores for years. We’ll help you understand minor and major derogatories, how derogatory items affect your credit score, and what you can do about them.
Whether you got a bonus at work or won the lottery, a financial windfall is always welcome. After all, who doesn’t love when extra funds hit their bank account? What you do with those funds can have a big impact on your financial situation.
money myths can cause significant financial damage if you follow through on the ideas. As you navigate your own financial situation, it’s helpful to understand which often-repeated money ideas are actually just myths.