Knowledge Center

Car purchase

How to Build Credit for a Car Purchase

If you are planning to take out a loan for your car purchase, your credit score matters. It can take time to build up a good credit score. But the results can be well worth the effort.
Cosigning a contract

How Cosigning Impacts Your Credit Score

Are you considering cosigning a loan? Let’s explore how this action could impact your credit score.
Building credit to purchase a home

How to Build Credit for a Home Purchase

Homeownership is a big financial goal. Although there are many important steps on the path to your dream home, building a good credit score might be the most critical.
Racial wealth inequality

Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap in America

Understanding the racial wealth gap in America is crucial to taking steps to make a more equitable economy. Now is a great time to be addressing systemic problems like racial and economic inequality.
Risky credit score scams

Should You Fix or Ditch Your Credit Score?

Credit scores are essential to American life. While there are many promises to get you a better credit score quickly, some are scams you should avoid. Instead, follow our tips to legitimately raise your credit score.
Medical collections on credit reports

How to Remove Medical Collections From Credit Reports

Anytime one of your bills heads to collections, that’s bad news for your credit score. But depending on your situation, it may be possible to have the medical collection removed from your credit report. Keep reading if you want to eliminate this bad spot from your credit report.
Financial empowerment

Use Empowerment Exercises to Level Up Your Finances

Leveling up your finances can be daunting, especially if you’ve made decisions in the past that have negatively affected your ability to pay bills and save money. But that doesn’t mean making positive financial change is impossible.
Building credit when young

How to Establish Credit While Young

Just like it’s a good idea to save money while you are young, it’s also a good idea to work on building your credit score while you are young. The right credit score can set you up to tackle many of the financial obstacles life throws your way.
Credit card utilization ratio

Everything You Need to Know About Credit Utilization Ratios

A better understanding of your credit utilization ratio can help you manage it with your credit score in mind. Let’s explore what your credit utilization ratio is, plus everything you need to know about managing your credit utilization ratio.
Credit card interest

How Credit Card Interest Works

Credit card debt can get expensive quickly. The notoriously high interest rates that come attached to your credit card can let even a relatively small balance get out of hand quickly. So, understanding how credit card interest works can help you avoid hefty interest charges that could derail your financial plans.
Principles of Power in Personal Finance

Principles of Power in Personal Finance

Everyone has a money story. Something they tell themselves to feel okay with their money situation. But are these narratives helpful? Sometimes they are. But only if they’re empowering.
Personal Finance Principles of Continuous Development

Personal Finance Principles of Continuous Development

In the business world, “principles of continuous development” guide the top professionals and companies to success. We’ll show you how the mindset of continuous development and the principles of lean business can be applied to your personal finances to create your optimal financial life.
Using a Budget to Improve Your Credit Score

How to Use a Budget to Improve Your Credit Score

A budget is a helpful tool that can help you manage your finances effectively. In this guide, you’ll learn how to use a budget to improve your credit score. Plus, take a look at the most popular budgeting options.
The Surprising History of the Credit Bureaus

The Surprising History of the Credit Bureaus

Most of us have credit reports assembled about us by the credit bureaus, yet few of us know about the surprising history of credit reporting. Learn about how the credit bureaus evolved into what they are today and the many controversies that have taken place along the way.
How to Get a High-limit Credit Card With Poor Credit

How to Get a High-limit Credit Card With Poor Credit

Lenders are less willing to provide spending power to borrowers who have yet to prove their creditworthiness. But even if you have bad credit, you may still be able to give your credit limit a boost.
Why credit score is not improving

Why Isn’t My Credit Score Improving? Here’s What to Do

If you’ve been working to increase your credit score and haven’t seen results, you're probably wondering, "why isn’t my credit score increasing?" Find out why your score isn’t improving and how to address it.
How to Use Debt Consolidation to Boost Credit Scores

How to Use Debt Consolidation to Boost Credit Scores

It can be overwhelming to try and manage several different credit card balances. If you’re in this difficult position, it might be worth considering debt consolidation. Keep reading to learn how debt consolidation works and see if it could help your credit score.
Credit Repair & Tradelines - Infographic

Credit Repair vs. Tradelines [Infographic]

Perhaps the title “Credit Repair vs Tradelines” is not entirely accurate, but this is a common way that many consumers think of the two industries. In truth, the services really go hand-in-hand, but we will highlight several differences in order to understand the full range of credit-related options.
How Business Credit Impacts Business Funding

How Business Credit Impacts Business Funding

If you are running a company, it is possible that your business will need to lean on credit one day. Whether you want to open a business credit card or take out business financing, a business credit score is a vital piece of the puzzle. In this article, learn about business credit and how it can impact your funding needs.

Tradelines 101 [Infographic]

If you’re new to tradelines, have no fear. At Tradeline Supply Company, LLC, we provide free educational content so you can empower yourself to make smart […]
Do Tradelines Really Work?

Do Tradelines Really Work?

Is the authorized user tradeline strategy effective? Credit expert John Ulzheimer explains why and how authorized user tradelines work.
Denied bad credit score

The Ultimatum on Poor Credit Scores—Essential Pivots for Poor Credit Scores

It’s crucial to understand credit scores if you want to set yourself up for financial success. Keep reading to find out why credit scores matter, how having a poor credit score can limit opportunities, and what you can do to improve poor credit scores.
No Freedom Until We Are All Equal

With Economic Equality, We All Benefit

Credit inequality and lack of equal economic opportunity hold us all back. Here's why everyone would prosper from greater financial equality and what you can do to help our nation achieve this goal.
Selling Tradelines: How to Choose the Best Company to Sell Tradelines With

Selling Tradelines: How to Choose the Best Company to Sell Tradelines With

Selling tradelines is a great opportunity to earn passive income. Learn how to choose the best tradeline company to sell your tradelines.
What Is FICO 10 & FICO 10 T?

FICO 10 and FICO 10T Explained by a Credit Expert

FICO 10 and FICO 10 T are new credit scoring models that have the potential to change the credit industry in a major way. What do they mean for you as a consumer? Read this article to find out.
The #1 Secret on How to Unlock the Power of Tradelines

The #1 Secret on How to Unlock the Power of Tradelines

People tend to think that the limit of the tradeline is more important, but if you believe this, you are misinformed and you will not get the results you hope for. If you want to see good results, you have to focus on age.
Tradeline age

Why Age Is the Most Valuable Factor of a Tradeline

Tradelines are commonly believed to have more of a positive impact on one’s credit score at certain age levels. Based on the examples we have seen, we have come up with our own observations on the question of which age levels are particularly beneficial for credit scores.
Watch your profits grow as you sell tradelines.

How to Make Easy Money Selling Tradelines

Selling tradelines has been called a “$1,000 per hour side gig,” but is this true? Find out how it works and why some people are earning thousands of dollars by selling their authorized user tradelines.
Tradeline Supply Company Reviews

Tradeline Supply Company Reviews

Tradeline reviews are an important factor to consider when buying tradelines. Here's what you need to know about our Tradeline Supply Company reviews.
person writing common mistakes when purchasing tradelines

Common Mistakes Made When Buying Tradelines

Use our list of common mistakes to make sure you get the most out of your tradelines. Don't make the same mistakes we've seen before!
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