Ellen Johnson


FICO Resilience Index: Should You Be Worried? [Infographic]

The FICO Resilience Index is a new type of credit score designed to help lenders better evaluate credit risk in today’s shaky economy. Should you be worried about your Resilience Index rating?
How to Fix The Most Common Credit Report Errors

How to Fix the Most Common Credit Report Errors

It’s all too likely that you may have errors on your credit report. Read this article to learn about common types of errors on credit reports and how to fix them.
Collection Accounts on Your Credit Report: The Ultimate Guide

Collection Accounts on Your Credit Report: The Ultimate Guide

Collections can damage your credit score for a long time, so it's important to understand them. This helpful guide explains what collections are, how they affect your credit, how collection agencies try to re-age debt, how to get collections removed from your credit report, and more.
Credit card utilization percentage

What Is the Difference Between Individual and Overall Credit Utilization Ratios?

What is the difference between your overall credit utilization ratio and individual credit utilization ratios and why does it matter to your credit?
Can Alternative Credit Data Help the Credit Invisible?

Can Alternative Credit Data Help the Credit Invisible?

26 million consumers in America have no credit record whatsoever. On top of that, there are an additional 19 million consumers who do have credit files, but they do not contain sufficient credit information to be scored by a widely available credit scoring model.
How to Get an 850 Credit Score | Tradeline Supply Company, LLC

How to Get an 850 Credit Score [Infographic]

People who are serious about improving their credit often wonder what it takes to get the highest possible credit score. For the FICO 8 credit scoring model, the perfect credit score is 850.
How to Increase Your Credit Limit

How to Increase Your Credit Limit

If you have credit cards with low limits, you may want to increase your credit limit. In this article, we cover everything you need to know about how to get a higher credit limit.
Are Revolving Accounts More Powerful Than Installment Accounts?

Are Revolving Accounts More Powerful Than Installment Accounts?

Revolving accounts and installment accounts are both important for building credit, but they do not have an equal influence on your credit score. Which type of account is more powerful for your score?
At What Age Can You Start Building Credit?

At What Age Can You Start Building Credit?

There’s never a bad time to start building good credit, but there is definitely a good time to start: as early as possible. So when can you start building credit?
How Do Closed Accounts Affect Your Credit?

How Do Closed Accounts Affect Your Credit?

How important are closed accounts when it comes to your credit score? Perhaps more than you think. Let’s shed some light on the question of how closed accounts can affect your credit.
Fastest ways to build credit

How to Build Credit Fast [Infographic]

Building credit using traditional methods can take years. In this article and infographic, we’re talking about the fastest ways to build credit.
Metro 2, e-OSCAR, and Credit Disputes - Credit Countdown

Metro 2, e-OSCAR, and the Credit Repair Dispute Process

Go behind the scenes of the dispute process used in credit repair and learn the importance of the Metro 2 and e-OSCAR systems in credit disputes.
Credit Myths

Let’s Get to the Bottom of These Credit Myths

Credit myths are extremely common. Unfortunately, many people believe these myths, and their credit suffers as a result of taking incorrect actions. Let’s get to the bottom of these credit myths so you can start improving your credit the right way.
What Happens to Your Credit When You Get Married or Divorced?

What Happens to Your Credit When You Get Married or Divorced?

Many people are uncertain about what may happen to their credit when they get married and what can happen to their credit if they get divorced. For example, it is commonly believed that your credit report merges with your spouse’s credit report when you get married. Is that really true? And what happens to your credit when you get divorced?
Building Credit with Tradelines and tradeline supply

Tradelines: What You Should Know About Building Credit

Did you know that all credit is built from tradelines? Although this fact is not often discussed, it’s just as important to understand when it comes to building credit.
How to Get Through the Holidays With Your Credit Intact

How to Get Through the Holidays With Your Credit Intact

With so many Americans unemployed and struggling financially, it’s more important than ever to go into the holiday season with a smart strategy to keep your finances intact. Here are some tips on how to make it through the holiday season without going overboard on spending, hurting your credit, and derailing your financial goals.
What Is a Credit Freeze on My Credit Report?

What Is a Credit Freeze on Your Credit Report?

A credit freeze can be a valuable tool for those who may be concerned about identity theft. However, many people are unaware of how credit freezes work and how to use them.
The Surprising History of the Credit Bureaus

The Surprising History of the Credit Bureaus

Most of us have credit reports assembled about us by the credit bureaus, yet few of us know about the surprising history of credit reporting. Learn about how the credit bureaus evolved into what they are today and the many controversies that have taken place along the way.
Do Tradelines Really Work?

Do Tradelines Really Work?

Is the authorized user tradeline strategy effective? Credit expert John Ulzheimer explains why and how authorized user tradelines work.
What Is FICO 10 & FICO 10 T?

FICO 10 and FICO 10T Explained by a Credit Expert

FICO 10 and FICO 10 T are new credit scoring models that have the potential to change the credit industry in a major way. What do they mean for you as a consumer? Read this article to find out.
What Does It Mean if Your Credit File Is Confused or Mixed?

What Does It Mean if Your Credit File Is Confused or Mixed?

"Mixed" or "confused" files, duplicate files, and fragmented files are all cases in which your credit report may be inaccurate.
Credit Countdown: Credit Dispute Forms [video thumbnail]

Which Forms Are Used to Complete the Credit Dispute Process?

When you file a credit dispute, there are certain forms and processes required to resolve the dispute. Different forms are used depending on which type of dispute you are filing. Learn what these forms are used for, when they are used, and what information is included on them.

What Happened to Equal Credit Opportunity for All?

Equality, fairness, and justice are all concepts that the United States promotes as some of its highest values. In reality, good credit is something that many privileged Americans start out with, while others do not. How do tradelines fit into equal credit opportunity?

How to Protect Your Finances and Credit During the Pandemic

Managing your finances and protecting your credit in the time of COVID-19 is a daunting task. Here are some steps you can take to get started right now.
Credit Piggybacking

What Is Piggybacking for Credit?

Credit piggybacking, also called credit card piggybacking, is a commonly used credit-building strategy. However, many people are still unaware of how to access this strategy and use it to their advantage. We’ll define piggybacking for credit and tell you how it can help your credit.
A Spotlight on the Staggering Financial Inequalities in America

A Spotlight on the Staggering Financial Inequalities in America

As our nation collectively reckons with its history, we want to shed some light on the economic inequalities in America.
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