Tradelines 101 [Infographic]

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Tradelines 101 [Infographic]

If you’re new to tradelines, have no fear. At Tradeline Supply Company, LLC, we provide free educational content so you can empower yourself to make smart financial choices. Keep reading for a crash course on tradelines that will help you get up to speed without getting in over your head.

What Are Tradelines and How Do They Work?

A tradeline is simply any account that appears in your credit file, including mortgages, auto loans, student loans, and credit cards. Tradelines are important because your credit report depends entirely on how you manage your tradelines, and maintaining a positive credit record is essential for financial success.

There are many ways to add tradelines to your credit record, such as opening a credit card or getting a loan. The best way to build a positive credit file long-term is to open your own primary tradelines and keep them in good standing by always making payments on time.

However, when you open new accounts, especially if you have a limited credit history, they will have no age and often they will have low credit limits, which could actually hurt your credit score temporarily. As an alternative, you could add an authorized user tradeline to your credit file.

Tradelines 101 learn about tradelines

Authorized User Tradelines

An authorized user tradeline, or AU tradeline, is an account on which you are listed as an authorized user, which means you are not liable for any charges incurred on the account. As an example, sometimes parents will add their children as authorized users of their credit cards.

When you are added as an authorized user, often the full history of the account appears in your credit record. This is because credit records usually do not show the date the AU was added to the account. So, as soon as you are added as an AU, your credit report may show years of history associated with the account. This is why obtaining an AU tradeline through a friend or family member is a common way for people to start establishing a credit file.

Being added as an AU on someone else’s credit card can also come with risks, depending on how the primary user has managed their tradeline. If the AU tradeline has negative marks such as high utilization or late payments, this could have an undesirable impact on your credit file. In addition, not everyone has the opportunity to be added as an AU to a friend or family member’s credit tradeline.

However, new innovations have created equal opportunities for those who may not have the same privilege. Now, high-quality AU tradelines can be purchased at affordable prices, allowing anyone to benefit from access to tradelines.

How to Choose a Tradeline

If you plan to buy tradelines, you need to examine your own credit report and consider whether adding a tradeline could work for you. A tradeline needs to be superior in quality to what is already in your credit file for a positive change to occur. Everyone’s credit file is unique, so adding AU tradelines will have a different effect on each individual.

If you purchase tradelines from a reputable business, they should have low utilization and a perfect payment history. Therefore, the only remaining factors to consider are:

  1. the credit limit of the card
  2. the age of the card, also known as the “seasoning.”

An AU tradeline with a high limit can help lower your overall utilization ratio, which is an important factor in credit scoring. However, if you have individual credit cards with high utilization, these accounts will diminish the positive effect of adding the tradeline.

As we have emphasized in “Why Age is the Most Valuable Factor of a Tradeline” and “The #1 Secret on How to Unlock the Power of Tradelines,” the age of the card is often even more important than the credit limit. Credit scoring models consider several age-related factors such as the length of your credit history and your average age of accounts. Therefore, the older or more “seasoned” the tradeline is, the more you may stand to benefit from it.

Generally, a seasoned tradeline is an account that has been open and in good standing for at least two years, after which it is thought to have a more positive impact on your credit file. The older the tradeline, the better impact it could have on your credit report. However, if the tradeline is younger than your average age of accounts, this would decrease your average, which could have a negative impact on your file.

To determine your average age of accounts and overall utilization ratio, try our Tradeline Calculator. For a more in-depth discussion of how to choose a tradeline, see our Tradeline Buyer’s Guide.

Tradeline Mistakes to Avoid

Make sure you don’t make these errors when buying tradelines!

  • Having a credit freeze or fraud alert on your account. This will prevent any new tradelines from posting.
  • Not ordering the tradeline far enough in advance of the reporting date. Since processing the order and adding the tradeline to your account takes time, the order must be placed by the specified purchase deadline in order for us to guarantee that the tradeline will post in the next reporting period.
  • Buying tradelines from banks that do not post well. Unfortunately, most banks do not reliably report authorized user data. Tradeline Supply Company, LLC has tested virtually every major bank and many smaller banks and has determined which banks post the most reliably. Other tradeline companies sell tradelines from banks that we have confirmed to have extremely low success rates. This is one reason why we have the highest posting success rate in the industry and have earned the status of being the most trusted tradeline supplier in the industry.

Read our “Common Mistakes” article for an extensive list of even more pitfalls to avoid.

How to Choose a Tradeline Company

When browsing tradelines for sale, only use platforms that are reliable and reputable and provide secure online transactions. It is important to choose a reputable company so you don’t waste your money on poor-quality tradelines, tradelines that fail to post, or tradelines that are extremely expensive. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dishonest companies out there, so it can be hard to know who to trust.

Warning signs of unethical companies include fake reviews, unavailable or poor customer service, and unprofessional-looking websites.

Be sure to avoid anyone trying to sell you an alternate social security number, commonly called a CPN, or anything that is supposed to somehow “wipe the slate clean” of your bad credit—this is a telltale sign of identity fraud, which is a federal crime. Companies selling CPN tradelines are creating records of fraudulent activity that could be linked to their customers if they are targeted by an investigation in the future. (Read our article on the dangers of CPNs for more information.)

We believe in educating consumers on how the system works and empowering them with this knowledge to make their own financial choices. We provide free resources for consumers to learn about tradelines so they can be successful without the “help” of exploitative businesses.

Starting Your Credit Journey

Tradelines are the foundational building blocks of credit. Unfortunately, for many people, it can be difficult to start building credit because often it takes credit to get new credit. Lenders are often hesitant to offer credit to those with no credit history. This is why studies have shown that many people begin their credit journey by first becoming an authorized user on someone else’s account.

However, not everyone has a friend or family member they can turn to for credit help. It is our mission to educate our community on how the credit system works, provide valuable resources to help consumers make smart decisions, and serve as a platform to purchase tradelines at affordable prices.

Are you just starting to learn about tradelines? Or are you a tradeline expert already? Let us know in the comments! We’d love to hear from you!

Tradeline Supply Company, LLC
Tradeline Supply Company, LLC
House copywriter at Tradeline Supply Company with articles about personal finance, credit repair, credit cards, and credit score information.


  1. Melinda Cruz says:

    I’m sorry but I’ve read all your information over a few times and for some reason I can’t figure out how I would make money off a trade line.

  2. Val dimick says:

    Do these tradelines only appear for a few months on your credit file? I have read somethings that suggest they are permanently on your file while there are things discussed here that indicate they stay only a few months then you pay to extend them, can you explain that more clearly?

  3. TINA R. says:

    if today is the 28th and I see a tradeline for sale that has a date to buy as 26th, does that mean the date to buy has already passed or is that the date for the following month?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      The dates repeat every month. So if the purchase by date is the 26th and you purchase it on the 28th, the guaranteed reporting period would not apply to the upcoming reporting period, but rather the one a month later.

  4. Latoya says:

    Will buying a tradeline be beneficial if I am under a chapter13 bankruptcy?

  5. Jamaal Tobias says:

    I have a collection account on my credit file, should I buy a tradeline to boost up my score?

  6. Nars says:

    How soon do these trade-lines show up?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      All the tradelines report once a month. The reporting period is different for each tradeline, so it depends which one you choose. If you look at our list it will tell you exactly when each tradeline will report. 11 days is the minimum though.

    • Filipe Mausia says:

      If I’ve already made a purchase but the money hasn’t been taken from my account yet does that mean the payment didn’t go through?

  7. Kevin Pugh says:

    I clean up my credit I have nothing bad on it. So, I opened to new accounts one secured credit card with capital one for 200 dollars and a secured loan for 300 dollars with a credit union for six months. I Started these accounts in January 2019.The only other thing I have on my credit report is one paid off loan 2years ago. So what would type of trade line would be good for a guy like me to get some reasonable trade line. My history has a average of 2years and a few months but that includes a closed paid off account. if I didn’t include that my history would only be 3moths old. Please help a guy out I am new to this and trying to get a good credit score so I can do some things to improve my life.

  8. Less says:

    I have no credit I am 25 years old and need help determining what tradeline I need in order to start off .

  9. All about money says:

    If I don’t have credit how many tradlines should I buy to get a 2016 car off the lot

  10. Tyronne says:

    I am grateful to have stumbled upon the information posted on your site. I am just starting out in tradelines so I’m gathering as much information as possible.

  11. Pj Jones says:

    Does Tradelines Supply have an affiliate program? In 2005 I was an affiliate with STL. If so, please provide information to my email.

    Thank you so much ☺️


  12. Wayne says:

    When purchasing a Tradeline here, how do I know what its utilization is?

  13. Kevin Cox says:

    If I’m trying to bust my credit score 50 to 100 points in order to purchase a house, which trade line would accomplish this.

  14. teboho says:

    Hello, I just have initiated a small business and need some funds to keep it strong and alive. what kind of a tradeline would I possibly need to for on my regard. you can send me an answer on my mail provided

  15. Anndrew Thompson says:

    Does the tradeline fall off you credit report after 2 months of reporting? What happens after 2 months?

  16. Jarrod Grant says:

    I would love to have help from you gives so that my life can get better…. My score is in the 500 …. I’m a combination Welder.. so I make decent money.but I just need a boost…. My wife and four kids live with her mom…. No money saved….. No house…. A 2002 Avalon that’s on its last leg….. We have nothing…. I just want to be pointed in the right direction

  17. Nina says:

    If we buy tradeline through you how is it added to our reports? Do we give you or social , dob and full name ? What do you DO with our info after ?
    Is it safe to be giving our personal info like that online to strangers ?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      The banks will report the tradelines to the credit bureaus during the reporting period.

      Yes, we need all of your information in order to add you as an authorized user. The only thing we do with your info is verify your identity, we don’t sell, share, or use it for any marketing purposes.

      Please do not give your info out to strangers online. We are a trusted, well-established company.

  18. Camille says:

    Will a tradeline also boost your credit score, utilization rate or both?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      A tradeline can effect some utilization ratios.

      We cannot legally say tradelines will boost your credit score. More details here:

    • Olman Gonzalez says:

      If I buy a treadline to increase my score to buy a house, does the treadline needs to be open or closed?

      • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

        We do not sell tradelines for the purpose of boosting credit scores or getting any type of funding or financial results, as you can see in our guarantees ( What I can tell you is that when you are an active AU on a tradeline, it reports as an open account. Once you are removed, it will start reporting as a closed account and will likely remain on your credit report as a closed account for several years.

        If you have additional questions, call 619-255-9588 and we’ll do our best to help!

  19. Billy says:

    i’m currently in the process of disputing student loan collections, an auto loan in collections, & closed credit cards on my credit report. should i buy a trade line while this process is going on, or after it’s done? also, do these trade lines work for LLCs or just personal credit?

  20. Perry says:

    How do u add the trade line to your credit? I’m so lost

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      We do not add the tradeline. It will appear during the monthly reporting period when the bank provides the tradeline data to the credit bureaus.

  21. T.B. King says:

    I have cleaned up my credit but need higher credit card limits, will adding a trade line give me access to apply for credit with the company that I become an authorized user with on my own? What is the best suggestion to get cards with higher credit limits?

  22. Ashley Balentine says:

    If I have purchased two trade lines should postpone getting the inquiries removed? I’m just trying to get a good car loan rate.

  23. KingJaffeTone says:

    How do I get in contact with a representative?

  24. Zariel guzman says:

    I want to be approved by a lender for at least 20k and i want to buy tradelines to do it , is that something that is possible ?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      We do not advertise our service for the purpose of boosting credit scores and we do not guarantee any improvements to credit in any way. We also do not guarantee that you will be able to secure any new funding, loans, credit cards, lines of credit or be able to achieve any financial goal based on purchasing our tradelines. You can see Our Guarantees here. If you decide to buy tradelines, make sure to take a look at How to Choose a Tradeline first!

  25. liledubb2017 says:

    after the 2 reported cycles if I decide not to extend my account, will It getting closed affect my credit?

  26. Ray says:

    So when I buy a tradelines do I have to actually apply for a card & pay sign up fees, etc. or am I just added as a user to the card?

  27. Niqiperk says:

    I am 18 years old and have no credit at all. Would purchasing a trade line to get my credit started be wise or will I be rejected for having no credit?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      Not having previous credit history does not disqualify you from purchasing tradelines. If you’re not sure about getting a tradeline, give us a call and we can help.

  28. seyoum sherry says:

    When purchasing a trade-line should i buy it using my credit card or debit card?

  29. Shantivia says:

    I’m trying to build my credit score and credit history is it best to start with a primary or tradeline? honest opinion !

  30. Tamar Brown says:

    How would i know which date to choose to ensure the tradeline will post on the right time

  31. Myron fredericks says:

    This is my firs time Hearing snout trade line supply company. I’ve read your literature and would like to purchase trade lines. The one issue I have is where to begin.

  32. Vanessa says:

    How can i use tradelines to open up a business?

  33. Gaty says:

    Starting to learn about tradeline. Better late than never>

  34. nelly says:

    will i be able to actually use the credit line I’ve been linked to when purchasing a trade line or is it for nostalgia purposes on;y for a limited time

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      No, you do not get access to use the primary cardholder’s account. The tradeline simply appears on your credit report.

  35. LEX says:

    I have no credit history recently obtained a secured credit card for $200 will I be able to purchase a tradeline and i have it boost my credit score and allow me to start applying for similar credit lines to tradeline credit limit so when the tradeline drops it will replace the tradeline and keep my credit score?

  36. Shoshannah Crom says:

    I’m an amateur in the tradeline world. I’m fascinated by this whole thing. Kinda reminds me of chess. Checkmate? So your saying there’s a chance? Hopefully my skill in calculated moves will be beneficial and super fast I will be a tradeline expert!!!! Lol. I am curious tho as to those who’s account I would basically be piggy backing….what is in it for them? Is it a gig open to anyone? Appreciate any feedback 🙂

  37. Cortreal Johnson says:

    Are these tradelines for personal credit or business credit. Are there tradelines for both business and personal?

  38. oreed78 says:

    I have no credit after my score was 648 two months ago. Now I have no credit score and just bought a tradeline that will post soon what should I expect when trying to get a nice car and apartment.

  39. Darnell says:

    When we enter the accounting number, is it a bank account number or another account routing number ?

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