How to Get Tradelines to Post

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How to Get Tradelines to Post

How to Get Tradelines to Post

The worst thing that can happen after you buy tradelines is not seeing your tradelines post to your credit report. Hopefully, your tradeline company offers a money-back posting guarantee, but of course, it’s better to have your tradelines post successfully the first time around.

Fortunately, there are a few things you can do to make sure everything goes smoothly when you buy tradelines. Here are our pointers on how to get tradelines to post.

How to Get Tradelines to Post - Pinterest graphic

1. Remove all fraud alerts and credit freezes from your credit report

Fraud alerts, credit freezes, and any other types of blocks on your credit file prevent new information from being added to your profile. This includes authorized user tradelines. Therefore, if you have a credit freeze, fraud alert, or some other type of block on your credit file, your tradelines will not post.

Before buying tradelines, make sure to contact the credit bureaus to remove any fraud alerts, credit freezes, or other blocks on your credit report so that new AU tradelines will not be blocked. Ideally, it’s best to wait about 30 days after removing all blocks to make sure that your credit file is completely clear.

2. Plan ahead and purchase your tradelines in advance

Each of our tradelines has its own reporting period and corresponding purchase deadline, which is the date by which you must purchase the tradeline in order for it to report on time. The purchase deadline is typically 11 days before the reporting period begins in order to allow enough time to process your payment and add you as an authorized user to the tradeline.

Therefore, if you wait too long and the purchase deadline has already passed for the current month, your tradeline may not post until the next reporting period a month later.

For this reason, it’s best to plan your purchase ahead of time so that you can be sure to purchase your desired tradelines before the purchase deadline. Those who wait until the last minute to buy tradelines are limited to the tradelines with the soonest purchase deadline. 

Try to plan your tradeline purchase ahead of time so you don't miss the purchase by date.

Try to plan your tradeline purchase ahead of time so you don’t miss the purchase deadline.

Alternatively, some people are in such a rush to get tradelines that they don’t even pay attention to the purchase deadline, and they don’t realize that they may have just purchased a tradeline that is not due to post for another month.

In order to ensure that your tradelines post in a timely manner, make sure to purchase them before the purchase deadline.

3. Consider buying more than one tradeline as a safety precaution

While we offer a money-back guarantee in the case of a non-posting, unfortunately, non-postings inevitably do happen from time to time due to incorrect reporting by the banks and credit bureaus, which we have no control over. 

If you need your tradelines to post within a specific time window and cannot wait for an exchange to be processed in the event of a non-posting, it is safest to hedge your bets by buying more than one tradeline.

Additionally, when buying multiple tradelines, for this reason, you may want to choose tradelines from a few different banks. That way, if there is a problem with one particular bank, it will not prevent the rest of your tradelines from posting.

4. Choose a tradeline company that only works with the best banks and has the highest posting success rate

When it comes to tradelines posting, not all banks are equally effective. Some banks report authorized user accounts much more reliably than others. In fact, we only work with a select few banks that we have rigorously tested and found to have the best posting success rates.

Almost all the other tradeline companies out there work with many more banks than we do, which may sound like a good thing, until you consider the fact that most of these banks don’t report authorized user tradelines very well. Therefore, if you buy tradelines from these companies, there is a much higher chance of your tradelines not posting.

You’ll want to stick with the most reliable banks and tradeline companies to minimize your risk of a non-posting occurring. 

5. Avoid buying tradelines from banks you may be blacklisted from 

Sometimes, banks may “blacklist” certain customers that have a derogatory history with them, such as bankruptcies or collection accounts. If you have been blacklisted from working with a particular bank, this could prevent any tradelines from that bank from posting to your credit file, so you would want to choose tradelines from other banks to ensure successful posting.

If you are not sure about your status with a bank, but you have a collection or bankruptcy with them, it’s a good idea to avoid that bank as a precaution.

6. Use the correct address that is on file with the credit bureaus

Make sure to use the correct address when buying tradelines.

Make sure to use the correct address when ordering tradelines.

The banks and credit bureaus use certain data points to verify the identity of the authorized user, and one of the most important data points is the AU’s address.

If you do not use the correct address that you have on file with the credit bureaus, they may not be able to match the tradeline with your credit profile, and this can prevent the tradeline from posting. 

Before buying tradelines, check your credit report with each credit bureau to verify that they have your correct address on file, and be sure to use this same address when placing your tradeline order.

7. Avoid “address merging”

As we mentioned, most tradeline companies sell tradelines from many different banks, including banks that don’t report AU data very well. Because tradelines from those banks don’t post well, most companies engage in a questionable practice called “address merging” to try to get the tradelines to post more often.

Address merging is the practice of falsely claiming that the authorized user lives at the same address as the primary cardholder. This allows the account to be matched up to the AU using the shared address as an identifying data point.

While this strategy may improve their posting rates, we do not recommend this dangerous tactic, because lying about one’s address for financial gain is considered fraud and it could get you in trouble with the law.

It is important to be aware that some companies may be doing this without your knowledge and some may not even realize that they are getting their clients involved in fraud. When choosing a tradeline company, keep in mind that if they sell tradelines from a lot of different banks, it is likely that they participate in address merging.

Instead of getting involved in the risky practice of address merging, follow all of the other steps in this article to increase the odds of your tradelines posting as much as you can.

8. Triple-check your order information for errors before submitting your order

Before finalizing your purchase, go over your information again and make sure it's free of errors.

Before finalizing your purchase, go over your information again and make sure it’s free of errors.

While your address is a particularly important data point when it comes to the credit bureaus, it’s also important to make sure the rest of your personal information is correct when placing your tradeline order.

Unfortunately, some people submit their orders with typos or misspellings, and each error increases the odds that something could go wrong.

For example, sometimes people even enter their names incorrectly! Obviously, if the name you provide with your order is not accurate, then that can definitely increase the chances of your tradeline not posting because the credit bureaus may not be able to match the tradeline to your credit file.

There’s nothing more frustrating than having a non-posting occur simply due to a preventable user error. To ensure this doesn’t happen to you, before placing your order, look over your information and double- and triple-check it for accuracy.


We hope these tips on getting tradelines to post were helpful to you! Let us know what you think by leaving a comment below.

Tradeline Supply Company, LLC
Tradeline Supply Company, LLC
House copywriter at Tradeline Supply Company with articles about personal finance, credit repair, credit cards, and credit score information.


  1. Edward Mays says:

    I have been trying to purchase a trendline from your company and I’m still waiting but it’s only been about three weeks.

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      Hi Edward, your reporting periods are not until the end of Sept./beginning of Oct. Please refer to any of the emails we sent you for exact dates or contact us at 619-255-9588 or

      • Angela Schwarze says:

        Hi , how will I know when my tradeline post ? Do you e mail or text the client or ??? Also I know that one of my tradeline s says October 9 as the cutoff date but I’m almost positive that I purchased one with the Sept 9 the cutoff date because it was the , 9 the when I called your customer service because I was having a technical issue and he even said that he saw that I was trying to meet the cutoff date of the 9th so he helped me fix the problem . Did I not make the cutoff time . I was really needing them all to post in the same month as I am going for a business loan and have to meet certain criteria.

  2. Alexis says:

    Do this company post tradelines for you?

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      Not directly, but yes, we get tradelines to post on your credit report.

  3. Jacquelyn Griffin says:

    I love this my credit score went up

  4. DUSHAN Moore says:


    1). How is it possible for any company to participate in address merging as demonstrated above, when it’s the primary cardholder who is contacting their own banks to add someone as an AU and not the tradeline company? I’m confused as to what you said above ??‍♂️…please clarify!!!

    2). What are the banks that has the most success rate in cards posting? You failed to mention that above!

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      With address merging, the tradeline company does a hard pull on the authorized user’s credit report, and during this process, they “merge” the address of the cardholder onto the AU’s credit file so that they both have the same address. The cardholder does not have access to the AU’s credit file; they just add the AU to the card, as you said. You can see an example of another tradeline company explaining their address merging process here:

      The banks that have the highest posting success rates are the six banks that we work with, which you can see on our Tradeline List.

  5. Brandon Jorgensen says:

    Can I buy Tradelines for my Business credit report for D&B, Equifax, and Experin ????

  6. says:

    Hey, so I accidentally purchased a second tradeline on accident thinking the first order didn’t process correctly because the payment didn’t come out the bank until 2 days after I purchased, will my account be penalized is the second payment is declined by bank?

  7. says:

    Hey, so I accidentally purchased a second tradeline thinking the first order didn’t process correctly because the payment didn’t come out the bank until 2 days after I purchased, will my account be penalized is the second payment is declined by bank?

  8. Jamarr Robbins says:

    Hi have question when you order a trade line how does that credit limit apply to you do you have to apply for credit card we’re you brought the credit line from ….

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      The tradeline and its credit limit simply appear on your credit report. You can call us at 619-255-9588 and check out the rest of our website content if you have additional questions!

  9. Arianna says:

    I am Working to remove some derogatory items on my report my concern/question as I don’t want to wait too late to purchase.
    ~ The amount listed is for two reporting period or am i billed each month.

    • Tradeline Supply Company, LLC says:

      The price is for two reporting periods and you are only charged once (unless you choose to order extensions to stay on the tradeline longer).

  10. Josh says:

    Hello, I’m wondering how long is that tradeline going to remain on my report after posted, and during that period that it will be on my report (I’m assuming in years) will I still have to rely on the tradeline owner behavior or will it just reflect on my report the account health of the specific moment I purchased?

  11. Isaiah says:

    Does every tradeline posted on here have a clean credit report because I have a 720 & just looking for a score boost

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