Can I Still Add Tradelines if I Have Fraud Alerts or Credit Freezes on My Credit File?

Unfortunately, no you cannot. Fraud alerts, credit freezes, and other types of locks will block new information from showing up on your credit report.   

If you have fraud alerts, credit freezes, or other types of blocks on your credit report and you purchase tradelines from our company, this constitutes a default of the user agreement, and we will not issue any refunds for non-postings in this case. 

If you have fraud alerts, credit freezes, or other types of blocks on your credit report, you are welcome to remove those in advance and then purchase tradelines from our company.

In order to remove those blocks, you must contact each credit bureau individually to ensure that they get removed properly. We also recommend that you wait 30 days after the blocks are removed from each bureau to ensure that your credit file is cleared.

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