Legal & Ethical Topics

Renters' rights

Essential Guide to Renters’ Rights—What You Need to Know

If you are renting a place to call home, your use of the property is protected through renters’ rights (also known as tenants’ rights). Whether you are living in a rental or renting out a property to a tenant, understanding the ins and outs of renters’ rights can make your life easier.
Identity theft

People’s Guide to Financial Identity Theft Protection

Identity theft is no laughing matter. When your identity is stolen, it can affect your entire financial life, from your credit to your ability to apply for loans. You want to make sure that you’re protected from identity theft.
What Does It Mean to Be Credit Invisible?

What Does It Mean to Be Credit Invisible?

Nearly one in five American adults do not have a credit score. Find out what it means to be "credit invisible" and how consumers can become credit visible.
Credit Sweep Fraud

Are Credit Sweeps Legal or Will They Get You in Trouble?

Credit sweeps are a heavily advertised and promoted service among credit repair companies. John Ulzheimer explains why you need to watch out for credit sweep scams in an episode of Credit Countdown.
Do Tradelines Still Work in 2024?

Do Tradelines Still Work in 2024?

Do tradelines still work in 2024? Find out if tradelines still work and if they will continue to be effective for years to come.
primary tradelines

Buying Primary Tradelines: Fact, Fiction, or Fraud?

Primary tradelines are usually the goal of anyone trying to build credit. However, buying a “primary tradeline” may involve actions that are questionable at best and possibly illegal at worst, and it may not even help as much as you may hope.
Economic inequality populations

6 Vulnerable Economic Inequality Examples of People

Economic inequality is the unequal distribution of wealth, income, and opportunity between different groups in society. It affects social structures deeply because it leaves some communities more vulnerable to poverty and harm than others.
CPN number

What Is a CPN?

A CPN might sound like a good solution if you have had trouble with your credit and want to “start fresh.” However, CPNs are not what they are marketed to be. Learn the truth about CPNs and why you should avoid them.
The Cost of Being Queer

The Cost of Being Queer

A look at how the LGBTQ community has been treated historically shows why we need policies to tackle discrimination and help this marginalized community build wealth.
Racial wealth inequality

Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap in America

Understanding the racial wealth gap in America is crucial to taking steps to make a more equitable economy. Now is a great time to be addressing systemic problems like racial and economic inequality.
The Surprising History of the Credit Bureaus

The Surprising History of the Credit Bureaus

Most of us have credit reports assembled about us by the credit bureaus, yet few of us know about the surprising history of credit reporting. Learn about how the credit bureaus evolved into what they are today and the many controversies that have taken place along the way.
No Freedom Until We Are All Equal

With Economic Equality, We All Benefit

Credit inequality and lack of equal economic opportunity hold us all back. Here's why everyone would prosper from greater financial equality and what you can do to help our nation achieve this goal.
Tradeline Supply Company Reviews

Tradeline Supply Company Reviews

Tradeline reviews are an important factor to consider when buying tradelines. Here's what you need to know about our Tradeline Supply Company reviews.

What Happened to Equal Credit Opportunity for All?

Equality, fairness, and justice are all concepts that the United States promotes as some of its highest values. In reality, good credit is something that many privileged Americans start out with, while others do not. How do tradelines fit into equal credit opportunity?
Do Federal Laws Really Help Me Establish Credit? by John Ulzheimer

Do Federal Laws Really Help Me Establish Credit?

Do the FCRA and the CARD act help consumers to establish credit? Credit expert John Ulzheimer weighs in.
Don’t I Have the Right to a Credit Report? by John Ulzheimer

Don’t I Have the Right to a Credit Report?

Do consumers have the right to certain credit report information or even the right to a credit report at all? Credit expert John Ulzheimer explains the answer to this important question.
Are Tradelines Legal?

Are Tradelines Legal?

“Are tradelines legal?” is one of the first questions people ask when they are introduced to the tradeline business. To answer this question, we will reference what authorities have said about the tradeline industry and show what their conclusions have been.
A Spotlight on the Staggering Financial Inequalities in America

A Spotlight on the Staggering Financial Inequalities in America

As our nation collectively reckons with its history, we want to shed some light on the economic inequalities in America.

The Ethics of Tradelines

Tradelines and credit piggybacking are controversial topics, so much so that many people ask the question “are piggybacking and buying and selling tradelines ethical?” We want to shed light on some perspectives that may not be immediately obvious.
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