Credit Repair & Credit Score Information

Building Credit with Tradelines and tradeline supply

Tradelines: What You Should Know About Building Credit

Did you know that all credit is built from tradelines? Although this fact is not often discussed, it’s just as important to understand when it comes to building credit.
How to Leverage a Side Hustle Into a Better Credit Score

How to Leverage a Side Hustle Into a Better Credit Score

Regardless of your financial goals, an extra income stream can always come in handy. If you are trying to build better credit, the funds you bring in from a side hustle could help you transform your credit score situation.
Holiday savings account

How to Protect Your Credit Score During the Holidays

As the cooler weather sets in, the holiday season is starting to appear on the horizon. Although the festive season is filled with lots of fun, […]
How to Get Through the Holidays With Your Credit Intact

How to Get Through the Holidays With Your Credit Intact

With so many Americans unemployed and struggling financially, it’s more important than ever to go into the holiday season with a smart strategy to keep your finances intact. Here are some tips on how to make it through the holiday season without going overboard on spending, hurting your credit, and derailing your financial goals.
What Is a Credit Freeze on My Credit Report?

What Is a Credit Freeze on Your Credit Report?

A credit freeze can be a valuable tool for those who may be concerned about identity theft. However, many people are unaware of how credit freezes work and how to use them.
Building credit in the United States

How to Build Credit After Moving to the United States

Relocating to a new country is an exciting time as the start of a new chapter. One major challenge for those relocating to the United States is the necessity of building a credit score from scratch. Let’s explore how you can build credit after moving to the United States.
No debt

Does Having No Debt Hurt Your Credit Score?

Those able to skirt around the financial pitfalls of debt may wonder how this financial success will impact your credit score. Let’s explore whether or not avoiding debt will hurt your credit score, plus strategies you can implement to build credit while avoiding debt.
Rebuilding Credit After a Divorce

How to Rebuild Credit After a Divorce

There is no denying that going through a divorce is a challenging and stressful time. On top of the emotional cost, there are financial costs that often tag along with divorce. One of the many ways that a divorce can impact your finances is by negatively impacting your credit score.
Poor credit score

DIY Credit Repair Basics

Credit, as related to personal finance, refers to someone's ability to pay lenders back. Many years ago, bankers and individual lenders were forced to gauge a prospective borrower's credit subjectively—they had no metrics or statistics to turn to in making such judgments.
Missed payment poor credit score

How Does a Late Payment Impact Your Credit Score?

Payment history accounts for 35% of your FICO score. So, if you miss a payment, that could have a big impact on your credit score. Let’s explore how a missed payment will affect your credit score.
609 dispute letter credit repair

What’s a 609 Dispute Letter in Credit Repair & Does It Work?

If you’ve ever looked into repairing your credit, you may have seen credit repair businesses advertising “609 dispute letters” as a way to remove negative information on your credit report. What is the idea behind this strategy, and do 609 dispute letters work?
Recession credit score graph

How to Protect Your Credit Score During a Recession

When a recession is on the horizon, it’s time to prepare your finances for the potential storm ahead. Although a recession can batter personal finances across the country, it’s possible to protect your financial situation and credit score with a bit of preparation.
Building credit in the military

Credit Building for Military Members

As a member of the military, you face tough challenges on a regular basis. The tenacity and perseverance you build during your career can translate into other aspects of your life. One place to channel your energy is into building a great credit score.
Car purchase

How to Build Credit for a Car Purchase

If you are planning to take out a loan for your car purchase, your credit score matters. It can take time to build up a good credit score. But the results can be well worth the effort.
Cosigning a contract

How Cosigning Impacts Your Credit Score

Are you considering cosigning a loan? Let’s explore how this action could impact your credit score.
Building credit to purchase a home

How to Build Credit for a Home Purchase

Homeownership is a big financial goal. Although there are many important steps on the path to your dream home, building a good credit score might be the most critical.
Risky credit score scams

Should You Fix or Ditch Your Credit Score?

Credit scores are essential to American life. While there are many promises to get you a better credit score quickly, some are scams you should avoid. Instead, follow our tips to legitimately raise your credit score.
Medical collections on credit reports

How to Remove Medical Collections From Credit Reports

Anytime one of your bills heads to collections, that’s bad news for your credit score. But depending on your situation, it may be possible to have the medical collection removed from your credit report. Keep reading if you want to eliminate this bad spot from your credit report.
Building credit when young

How to Establish Credit While Young

Just like it’s a good idea to save money while you are young, it’s also a good idea to work on building your credit score while you are young. The right credit score can set you up to tackle many of the financial obstacles life throws your way.
Credit card utilization ratio

Everything You Need to Know About Credit Utilization Ratios

A better understanding of your credit utilization ratio can help you manage it with your credit score in mind. Let’s explore what your credit utilization ratio is, plus everything you need to know about managing your credit utilization ratio.
Why credit score is not improving

Why Isn’t My Credit Score Improving? Here’s What to Do

If you’ve been working to increase your credit score and haven’t seen results, you're probably wondering, "why isn’t my credit score increasing?" Find out why your score isn’t improving and how to address it.
How to Use Debt Consolidation to Boost Credit Scores

How to Use Debt Consolidation to Boost Credit Scores

It can be overwhelming to try and manage several different credit card balances. If you’re in this difficult position, it might be worth considering debt consolidation. Keep reading to learn how debt consolidation works and see if it could help your credit score.
Credit Repair & Tradelines - Infographic

Credit Repair vs. Tradelines [Infographic]

Perhaps the title “Credit Repair vs Tradelines” is not entirely accurate, but this is a common way that many consumers think of the two industries. In truth, the services really go hand-in-hand, but we will highlight several differences in order to understand the full range of credit-related options.
Denied bad credit score

The Ultimatum on Poor Credit Scores—Essential Pivots for Poor Credit Scores

It’s crucial to understand credit scores if you want to set yourself up for financial success. Keep reading to find out why credit scores matter, how having a poor credit score can limit opportunities, and what you can do to improve poor credit scores.
What Is FICO 10 & FICO 10 T?

FICO 10 and FICO 10T Explained by a Credit Expert

FICO 10 and FICO 10 T are new credit scoring models that have the potential to change the credit industry in a major way. What do they mean for you as a consumer? Read this article to find out.
Tradeline age

Why Age Is the Most Valuable Factor of a Tradeline

Tradelines are commonly believed to have more of a positive impact on one’s credit score at certain age levels. Based on the examples we have seen, we have come up with our own observations on the question of which age levels are particularly beneficial for credit scores.
What’s the Difference Between Credit Repair and Adding Tradelines?

What’s the Difference Between Credit Repair and Adding Tradelines?

There is a disconnect between what is understood as traditional credit repair versus adding tradelines to your credit reports. Credit expert John Ulzheimer explains the difference in this article.

How to Protect Your Finances and Credit During the Pandemic

Managing your finances and protecting your credit in the time of COVID-19 is a daunting task. Here are some steps you can take to get started right now.
Credit Piggybacking

What Is Piggybacking for Credit?

Credit piggybacking, also called credit card piggybacking, is a commonly used credit-building strategy. However, many people are still unaware of how to access this strategy and use it to their advantage. We’ll define piggybacking for credit and tell you how it can help your credit.
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