Credit Repair & Credit Score Information

Is a Balance Transfer Worth It? How to Know if It’s Right for You

Is a Balance Transfer Worth It? How to Know if It’s Right for You

Balance transfers are a somewhat controversial topic in the world of credit repair and debt payoff. They can be a wonderful tool for helping consumers get out of credit card debt without being crushed by sky-high interest rates. On the other hand, if you’re not careful, they can also enable you to get yourself even deeper into debt than you were before.
Credit Card Credit-Building—2022 Best Cards for Credit-Building

Credit Card Credit Building—2025 Best Cards for Credit Building

If you need help building your credit, the right credit card can make all the difference. Here is a list of the best credit-building credit cards of the year to get you started.
How to Improve Your Credit Score

How to Improve Your Credit Score in 2025

While your credit score is just a three-digit number, it can have a big impact on your life. When building your life in the midst of economic uncertainty, a good credit score is an even more important asset.
Paying off holiday debt

How to Deal With Holiday Debt

The holiday season can be filled with fun times—but you might end up overspending during the most wonderful time of the year. After the busyness of the holidays settles down, you might be left with a hefty load of holiday debt.
Buy Now, Pay Later

What Is Buy Now Pay Later and How Does It Affect Your Credit?

"Buy now, pay later" services can be convenient for those on a tight budget. But how do these BNPL services affect your credit? Let’s take a look at how this popular payment option could impact your credit scores.
Credit repair contract

Insider’s Guide to Buying Credit Repair

Most ratings and buyers' guides of credit repair companies are nothing more than paid advertisements—but not here! This is the insider's guide to the good, the bad, and the ugly credit repair companies. Our guide is dedicated to helping you find the best credit repair company for your situation.
Why Did My Credit Score Go Down?

Why Did My Credit Score Go Down?

It’s never a good feeling when you notice that your credit score has dropped. Let’s explore some of the possible reasons that could cause your credit score to decline. 
Irregular income graph

How to Protect Your Credit Score When You Have an Irregular Income

An unpredictable income can make managing your finances a bit more complicated. But with a little bit of planning, you can map out a strategy to protect your finances and credit score from the swings of an irregular income.

How to Grow a Thin Credit File

A thin credit file can be problematic. Although your finances may be in good shape, a thin credit file can make it challenging to access financing for major purchases when you need it.
Bankruptcy court

What Is Bankruptcy and How Does It Impact Your Credit?

When you file for bankruptcy, it’s usually because you have no other option for your finances. Although it might be the right choice for your situation, the decision to file for bankruptcy will have a negative impact on your credit.
Inquiry Bumpage and Choppage

Can Inquiry “Bumpage” and “Choppage” Help Your Credit?

Could inquiry "bumpage" and "choppage" improve your credit? Find out from an expert who has spent three decades in the industry, John Ulzheimer.
Credit Mix: Do You Need to Care About Types of Credit?

Credit Mix: Do You Need to Care About Types of Credit? [Infographic]

While credit mix only makes up 10% of your FICO score, it’s still important to consider when building credit. Check out our infographic about mix of credit and types of credit.
Missing a payment even once can seriously set back your credit score, but the damage will be even worse the longer you put off bringing the account current.

What Is a Derogatory Item on Your Credit Report?

Derogatory items can stay on your credit report and damage your credit scores for years. We’ll help you understand minor and major derogatories, how derogatory items affect your credit score, and what you can do about them.
VantageScore vs. FICO Scores: What's the Difference?

VantageScore vs. FICO Score: What’s the Difference?

If you monitor your credit using a free website, chances are, you’ve seen your VantageScore. However, you may not have realized that this credit score is not the same as your FICO score.
What Does It Mean to Be Credit Invisible?

What Does It Mean to Be Credit Invisible?

Nearly one in five American adults do not have a credit score. Find out what it means to be "credit invisible" and how consumers can become credit visible.
Want to See Your FICO Score for Free? Here’s How to Do It

Want to See Your FICO Score for Free? Here’s How to Do It

The vast majority of lenders use your FICO credit score to evaluate your credit risk as a consumer when they are deciding whether or not to extend credit to you. And yet, historically, it has been costly for consumers to access their own FICO scores.
Will These Strategies Help You Get More Credit Score Points?

Will These Strategies Help You Get More Credit Score Points?

Everyone wants to get a higher credit score, but not all of the “hacks” or tips being promoted actually help you get more credit score points. Credit expert John Ulzheimer answers some common questions about ways to get more credit score points.
Credit Sweep Fraud

Are Credit Sweeps Legal or Will They Get You in Trouble?

Credit sweeps are a heavily advertised and promoted service among credit repair companies. John Ulzheimer explains why you need to watch out for credit sweep scams in an episode of Credit Countdown.
Credit card revolving credit accounts

Building Credit With Revolving & Open Credit Accounts

If you want to build your credit score, responsibly managing revolving and open credit accounts can help. Let’s explore what these accounts are and how you can leverage these types of accounts into a better credit score.
Credit hacks that work

Easy Credit Hacks That Will Actually Get You Results

Credit repair can take months to see results, but we have effective credit hacks that you can use to get a better credit score fast. Check out our list of the best credit hacks that will help you improve your credit.
This Is How a Rapid Rescore Can Boost Your Credit Score Fast

This Is How a Rapid Rescore Can Boost Your Credit Score Fast

If you’re wondering how to update your credit report information fast so that you can improve your credit rating quickly, you may be interested in getting a rapid rescore. Find the answers to all your questions about rapid rescores in this article.
Generation Z credit scores

Top Credit-building Tips for Generation Z

Generation Z represents the youngest generation of consumers. As a member of Gen Z, the financial choices you make now can have an outsized impact on your financial future.
How to Remove Derogatory Entries on a Credit Report

How to Remove Derogatory Entries From Your Credit Report

Do you have derogatory items dragging down your credit score? Here's how to get derogatory entries removed from your credit report.
Negative Items That Can Stay on Your Credit Forever

Are There Negative Items That Can Stay on Your Credit Forever?

Certain negative items could potentially stay on your credit report permanently. Here are the three exceptions to the 7-10 year limit on negative information imposed by the FCRA.
Too much credit

Is There Such a Thing as Too Much Credit?

Is it possible to have too much credit? We answer the question of whether having too much credit could hurt your credit score by breaking it down into three parts: having too much available credit, having too much debt, and having too many credit accounts.

What Is a Good Credit Score? 7 Must-know Essentials

Credit scores indicate how responsible you are with credit. Even if your credit isn’t the best, you need to understand how it works.
Credit Reports: What You Need to Know

Credit Reports: What You Need to Know

Credit reports are an integral part of our financial system, yet many of us are seriously misinformed about how credit reports work. We'll help you understand what your credit report is and why it’s important.
Past due payments

Derogatory Credit Marks—Grow From Bad to Great Credit

If a good credit score is a priority for you, a derogatory mark is the last thing you want to see on your credit report. Unfortunately, a derogatory mark could spell trouble for your credit score.

What Are Credit Scores?

Credit scores impact our lives in more ways than you might think, yet, unfortunately, they are complex and can be difficult to understand. In this article, we’ll clear up what credit scores are, why they matter, how to build credit, and how to improve your credit score.
Poor credit score

What Is Bad Credit and How Can It Affect You?

Bad credit is something we all fear, but what is actually considered poor credit and how could it affect you? In addition to explaining what bad credit is and why you need to avoid it, we'll also provide some strategies in this article to help you fix bad credit.
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