Tradeline Supply Company, LLC Raises Minimum Criteria to Join Credit Partner Program

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Tradeline Supply Company, LLC Raises Minimum Criteria to Join Credit Partner Program

Tradeline Supply Company, LLC has announced they are no longer accepting new tradeline inventory that falls into the combined category of being under $10,000 in credit limit and under 2 years old.

The company has been seeing steady inventory growth along with steady sales growth, but the company does not want to dilute its inventory with an overabundance of accounts that have low age combined with low limits.

Our current credit partners who signed up before 7/23/2018 are all grandfathered in on this change and will continue to enjoy commissions from their current inventory listed.  This change will also ensure that our current credit partners can continue to expect a steady stream of sales orders and commissions.

If in the future Tradeline Supply Company, LLC decides to open this category back up for tradeline enrollment, this will be exclusively offered to current credit partners as a perk for their loyalty and commitment to being a valued member of our team.

Tradeline Supply Company, LLC
Tradeline Supply Company, LLC
House copywriter at Tradeline Supply Company with articles about personal finance, credit repair, credit cards, and credit score information.

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