Industry News & Resources

For your convenience we have compiled a collection of relevant news articles, opinions, discussions, and other useful information that will help you learn more about this industry and how you may benefit from it whether you are a potential credit partner or someone who needs help with your credit.

Credit repair contract

Insider’s Guide to Buying Credit Repair

Most ratings and buyers' guides of credit repair companies are nothing more than paid advertisements—but not here! This is the insider's guide to the good, the bad, and the ugly credit repair companies. Our guide is dedicated to helping you find the best credit repair company for your situation.
Why Did My Credit Score Go Down?

Why Did My Credit Score Go Down?

It’s never a good feeling when you notice that your credit score has dropped. Let’s explore some of the possible reasons that could cause your credit score to decline. 
Irregular income graph

How to Protect Your Credit Score When You Have an Irregular Income

An unpredictable income can make managing your finances a bit more complicated. But with a little bit of planning, you can map out a strategy to protect your finances and credit score from the swings of an irregular income.

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