Personal Finance

Buying a new car

2025 Car Shopping Secrets Unlocked

Are you thinking of driving a new car? If so, you're in luck. Here are some of the best tips and tricks for shopping for a car.
Pet parent finances

How to Protect Your Finances as a Pet Parent

Pet ownership can add a lot of joy to your life. While bringing a pet into your home can be a fun adventure, the cost of owning a pet can add up quickly.
Paying off holiday debt

How to Deal With Holiday Debt

The holiday season can be filled with fun times—but you might end up overspending during the most wonderful time of the year. After the busyness of the holidays settles down, you might be left with a hefty load of holiday debt.
How to Use Credit Cards Responsibly Without Going Into Debt

How to Use Credit Cards Responsibly Without Going Into Debt

Credit cards are often vilified for their high interest rates, which can be very costly to consumers who carry a balance from month to month rather than paying off the full balance that was accrued.
Budgeting for savings goals

How to Improve Your Finances in 2025

Making smart money choices can propel you toward the future you desire. Luckily, it’s easy to take action to improve your financial situation this year.
Debit Cards vs. Credit Cards

Debit vs. Credit Cards: Which Is the Better Way to Pay?

When you are paying for purchases, is it better to use a debit card or a credit card? The answer depends on which features and advantages are important to you.
Buy Now, Pay Later

What Is Buy Now Pay Later and How Does It Affect Your Credit?

"Buy now, pay later" services can be convenient for those on a tight budget. But how do these BNPL services affect your credit? Let’s take a look at how this popular payment option could impact your credit scores.
Money management habits

4 More Master Money Habits for Wealth: Essential Money Cognitive Capacities

Even if you feel you are at a total loss for any positive money habits, you can still gain new habits to transform your wealth. in this article, we’re going to cover four advanced skills to help you bring your money skills to the next level.
Best Money Habits to Master

Four Best First Money Habits to Master

If you can’t seem to keep hold of your money, we recommend you look at these four essential money cognitive capacities and see where you can improve. We'll help you reframe the narratives you have around money and help hone in on a better approach to your finances.
Loan application approved

Line of Credit—Essential Guide to Expectations & Realities

A line of credit is a flexible funding solution that allows you to tap into funds on an as-needed basis. Depending on your situation, a line of credit can offer much-needed access to cash.
Graduating college without loans

Back to School: How to Pay for College Without Loans

It’s no secret that college is expensive, and the costs seem to continue rising without an end in sight. The increasing cost of college has far outpaced inflation.
Credit card mistakes

Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid

Credit card mistakes can eat away at your budget and your credit score. Let’s explore the most common credit card errors and what you can do to avoid them.
Long-term wealth-building success

Feelings in Finance—Your Empowerment Guide

What if you connected to your emotions surrounding money and that helped you actually master your finances? This guide will help you feel confident in tackling your money from a new perspective and build your wealth so that you can live a fuller, happier life.
Healing from financial trauma

Fixing Your Emotional Relationship with Money

I’m going to let you in on a secret. Most people aren’t bad at handling their money. Most people are bad at handling their emotions about money. When you can hone in on your emotions, your finances fall into line.
Mortgage loan vs. rent

Is Renting Better Than Owning—for You?

It’s no secret that keeping a roof over your head can get expensive quickly. On average, households spend over a quarter of their household income on housing costs each year, and housing costs are on the rise.

How to Use a Windfall to Improve Your Finances

Whether you got a bonus at work or won the lottery, a financial windfall is always welcome. After all, who doesn’t love when extra funds hit their bank account? What you do with those funds can have a big impact on your financial situation.
Coffee money myth debunked

Money Myths Debunked

money myths can cause significant financial damage if you follow through on the ideas. As you navigate your own financial situation, it’s helpful to understand which often-repeated money ideas are actually just myths.
Limiting money beliefs

Start Making Good Money Moves by Destroying Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are beliefs that keep you from doing something. Some limiting beliefs are helpful because they keep you safe (e.g. you believe you can’t fly, […]
Increasing credit card debt

How to Avoid a Growing Credit Card Balance

Credit card debt is common. Many households are facing a growing credit card balance. But this type of debt, with notoriously high interest rates, is one of the hardest to climb out of. Once you slide into credit card debt, it can be difficult to pull yourself back out.
What Is a Credit-Builder Loan and How Does It Work?

What Is a Credit-builder Loan and How Does It Work?

A credit-builder loan can help you improve your credit, but it is critical that you understand exactly what it is and how this type of loan could impact your credit. Let’s explore credit-builder loans so you can decide if this tool is right for you.
Personal budget planning

How to Be Your Own Best Budget Planner

Have you ever thought that budgeting just isn't for you? If so, you're not alone. Many feel that budgets are too restrictive or find budget planning to be a chore—but it doesn't have to be.
Snowball vs. Avalanche: What Is the Best Way to Pay Off Debt?

Snowball vs. Avalanche: What Is the Best Way to Pay Off Debt?

The debt snowball and the debt avalanche are the two most popular methods for paying off debt. We explain how they work, the pros and cons of each approach, and how to decide which debt payoff strategy is right for you.
Homeless Prevention Finance Guide

Homeless Prevention Financial Guide: The Money Guide to Preventing Homelessness

One of the most distressing problems in America today is people living without roofs over their heads. However, knowing the factors that lead to homelessness can help you avoid becoming homeless.
Things Everyone Should Know About Credit Cards

Things Everyone Should Know About Credit Cards

Credit cards are not only a useful payment method for making purchases but also an essential component of a solid credit-building strategy. When you have the knowledge to use credit cards to your advantage rather than to your detriment, they can be an extremely powerful financial tool to have in your arsenal.
Get Ahead With Your Tax Refund

How to Break Free From Debt and Get Ahead With Your Tax Refund: Pay Bills, Settle Debt, & Grow Savings

It’s a good idea to use your tax refund to get ahead financially. But where should you allocate these funds? Let’s take a closer look at how you can use your tax refund to move toward your financial goals.
Student loans

How to Prepare Your Finances for Student Loan Payments

Back in 2020, the federal government gave student loan borrowers a payment reprieve. The temporary measure was designed to help borrowers with federal student loans get through the financial uncertainty caused by the pandemic. But the federal student loan payment pause came to an end in fall 2023.
Financing a used car

What to Do if You Can’t Afford Your Car Payment

When you need a vehicle to get around, you might feel pressure to spring for more than you can truly afford. Whether your financial situation has changed or you felt pressure to overspend at the dealership, being stuck with a car payment that you cannot afford is an uncomfortable situation.
Giving up small purchases

Financial Myths to Ignore

You can find financial advice almost everywhere you turn. Whether you are hearing advice from TikTok stars or friends and family, you’ve likely heard more than a few financial myths thrown into the mix.
AI financial advice

Should You Trust AI Financial Advice?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has been making headlines in recent months. As AI develops into a more sophisticated tool, it’s natural to wonder how this technology might impact financial advice. If AI can answer other questions, can it be trusted to provide worthwhile financial advice?
Increasing savings rate

How to Grow Your Savings Rate

Saving more money is solid financial advice. In theory, we all know that saving money is important. But when it comes to managing our funds, it can be difficult to track how much of our income we actually save.
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