Industry News & Resources

For your convenience we have compiled a collection of relevant news articles, opinions, discussions, and other useful information that will help you learn more about this industry and how you may benefit from it whether you are a potential credit partner or someone who needs help with your credit.

Credit scoring "buckets" can complicate the effect that a dispute may have on your credit score.

What Are Credit Scoring “Buckets?”

Most of the time when I’m asked about credit scores the line of questioning is commonly about how to improve scores. It’s equally often, and equally enjoyable, when I receive questions from people about how many points certain things from your credit reports are worth to their credit scores.
How to Get an 850 Credit Score | Tradeline Supply Company, LLC

How to Get an 850 Credit Score [Infographic]

People who are serious about improving their credit often wonder what it takes to get the highest possible credit score. For the FICO 8 credit scoring model, the perfect credit score is 850.
Shopping temptation

How to Avoid Emotional Spending

Emotional spending is one personal finance issue that many struggle with. According to a NerdWallet survey, 49% of Americans said emotions have caused them to spend more than they can reasonably afford. With almost half of Americans struggling with emotional overspending, you aren’t alone if you are facing this issue.

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