Industry News & Resources

For your convenience we have compiled a collection of relevant news articles, opinions, discussions, and other useful information that will help you learn more about this industry and how you may benefit from it whether you are a potential credit partner or someone who needs help with your credit.

Healing from financial trauma

Fixing Your Emotional Relationship with Money

I’m going to let you in on a secret. Most people aren’t bad at handling their money. Most people are bad at handling their emotions about money. When you can hone in on your emotions, your finances fall into line.
Inquiry Bumpage and Choppage

Can Inquiry “Bumpage” and “Choppage” Help Your Credit?

Could inquiry "bumpage" and "choppage" improve your credit? Find out from an expert who has spent three decades in the industry, John Ulzheimer.
Identity theft

People’s Guide to Financial Identity Theft Protection

Identity theft is no laughing matter. When your identity is stolen, it can affect your entire financial life, from your credit to your ability to apply for loans. You want to make sure that you’re protected from identity theft.

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