If you’ve ever looked into repairing your credit, you may have seen credit repair businesses advertising “609 dispute letters” as a way to remove negative information on your credit report. What is the idea behind this strategy, and do 609 dispute letters work?
When a recession is on the horizon, it’s time to prepare your finances for the potential storm ahead. Although a recession can batter personal finances across the country, it’s possible to protect your financial situation and credit score with a bit of preparation.
A CPN might sound like a good solution if you have had trouble with your credit and want to “start fresh.” However, CPNs are not what they are marketed to be. Learn the truth about CPNs and why you should avoid them.
A look at how the LGBTQ community has been treated historically shows why we need policies to tackle discrimination and help this marginalized community build wealth.
As a member of the military, you face tough challenges on a regular basis. The tenacity and perseverance you build during your career can translate into other aspects of your life. One place to channel your energy is into building a great credit score.