
What Does It Mean if Your Credit File Is Confused or Mixed?

What Does It Mean if Your Credit File Is Confused or Mixed?

"Mixed" or "confused" files, duplicate files, and fragmented files are all cases in which your credit report may be inaccurate.
Credit Countdown: Credit Dispute Forms [video thumbnail]

Which Forms Are Used to Complete the Credit Dispute Process?

When you file a credit dispute, there are certain forms and processes required to resolve the dispute. Different forms are used depending on which type of dispute you are filing. Learn what these forms are used for, when they are used, and what information is included on them.
The Top 3 Credit Myths That Won't Go Away

The Top 3 Credit Myths That Won’t Go Away

These are the top three credit myths that just won’t seem to go away, according to credit expert John Ulzheimer.
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