Fraud Policy

Fraud Policy

Tradeline Supply Company, LLC (hereinafter referred to as “TSC”) is committed to maintaining the highest standard of corporate governance, fiduciary duty, responsibility, and ethical behavior. We take any attempts of fraud very seriously and if we suspect any fraudulent attempts we will take the strongest action possible in investigating, handing over evidence, and reporting any suspected attempts to the proper authorities which includes but is not limited to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Justice (DOJ), Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Social Security Administration, and Internet Crime Complaint Center. We will cooperate in prosecuting any fraud offenders to the fullest extent of the law. TSC contracts with the highest level third party verification companies who cross reference all names, social security numbers, date of birth, addresses, and more to confirm identities and to detect any fraud attempts. Fraud is generally a felony charge with criminal sentences ranging from 6 months to 15 years in prison.

By submitting an order and providing a social security card and identifying information, you as the client agree that he/she shall not use, provide, or submit to TSC, any alternate Social Security Number (SSN), Credit Protection Number (CPN), Employer Identification Number (EIN), Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN), or other similar information that is false, fraudulent, illegal or unauthorized. Upon the discovery of such false, fraudulent, illegal or unauthorized information, TSC shall have the absolute right to terminate this agreement, discontinue its services, and reverse any services previously performed (ie, remove the Client from any tradelines to which he/she has been added by TSC). Client agrees that in that event, any and all fees, costs and other money and funds of any kind paid to TSC shall not be refunded to Client, but shall be retained by TSC and considered to be liquidated damages for Client’s breach of this agreement. It is further understood and agreed that TSC’s damages in that event shall not be limited to the fees, costs and other money and funds described above, and that TSC does not hereby waive its entitlement to any other damages to which it may be entitled in law or equity.


Contact Phone
Monday – Friday: 7:00 AM PST- 6:00 PM PST Saturday: 8:00 AM PST - 5:00 PM PST